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tiptap – the headless WYSIWYG editor now supports Vue 3.0

tiptap is the most popular text editor library for Vue. Version 2 is a complete re-write in TypeScript and comes finally with support for Vue 3.

Vue Storefront Summit 2021 – April 20-21, 2021

If you’re working with e-commerce you might be interested in the upcoming conference around Vue Storefront. Besides Vue Storefront itself, the conference talks will also mention integrating with headless e-commerce and CMS tools. The last one, might be useful even if you’re not in the c-commerce business.

Storybook for Vue 3

Storybook now supports Vue 3.0! Storybook is an open source tool for building UI components in isolation, while also serving as both documentation and can integrate with testing tools.

Announcing Vue I18n 9.0

Vue I18n is the most popular internationalization library for Vue and it just hit version 9.0. It’s a complete rewrite with lots of new features!

The new major version of Vue I18n provides Layered modules, Hybrid APIs, Message Compiler, Pre-compilation, Vue Devtools integration, Bundle size optimization, and a solid foundation for long-term future iterations of this library.

Announcing Vite 2.0

Vite (French word for "fast", pronounced /vit/) is a new kind of build tool for frontend web development. Think a pre-configured dev server + bundler combo, but leaner and faster. It leverages browser's native ES modules support and tools written in compile-to-native languages like esbuild to deliver a snappy and modern development experience.

State of the Vuenion – Vuejs Amsterdam

State of the Vuenion – Vuejs Amsterdam

Watch the annual talk by Evan You about the state of Vue.

vno: a vue / deno love story

Deno is a new runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. Since you can’t use it directly with Vue-CLI (which requires Node.js), the community has created vno, a CLI tool for Deno to compile and bundle Vue single-file components. Impressive!

Vue Contributor Days – February 25, 2021, 16:30 PM (CET)

Vue Contributor Days is a special collaboration between the Vue Core Team, This Dot Media, and Vue Amsterdam. Vue Contributor Days brings together contributors within the Vue community to discuss topics such as new initiatives, project roadmaps, how enterprises can get involved within the Vue ecosystem, and ecosystem projects.

Vite – New docs for version 2.0

Vite – the revolutionary frontend build tool, from Vue creator Evan You has been getting a lot of interest around the dev community, to the point where it now has a Discord server, new SSR docs and a fancy new Logo! If you are interested in the project, want to talk to other early adopters – definitely join the Discord sever.

Quasar v2 with Vue 3 roadmap

Quasar – another popular framework built on top of Vue – is also planning to release a new, Vue 3.0 ready version. The roadmap says it should be ready somewhere in Q1 2021. Fingers crossed!

🎉 Element UI for Vue 3.0 is coming!

Element UI is a very popular Vue component library for Vue 2.x. I’m very happy to let you know that the Element UI team has just released Element Plus for Vue 3.0! It fully supports Vue 3.0, including TypeScript and Composition API.

Vue Storefront raises $1.5M to turn the fastest growing open source eCommerce project into a business

You probably have heard of Vue Storefront – the open-source project that took the eCommerce world by storm! The authors managed to make it into a new company that has just raised $1.5M to further transform the shopping experience. Congratulations! 👏

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Reflections for 2020-2021

Here’s a short summary of everything-Vue that happened in 2020 and some insight into the roadmap for 2021: ecosystem updates, migration tools, Vue 2.7 and more.

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Whoops! We couldn't access this Tweet.

Vue.js Devtools v.6.0.0-beta.3 Changelog

A holidays gift from Guillaume Chau – the Vue.js Devtools have just hit the v.6.0.0-beta.3 release! Make sure to read the changelog as the new version comes with numerous new features and improvements to existing features like the timeline and event grouping.

State of JavaScript 2020

Another popular survey in the JavaScript world. Vue has been on a rise for a few years – will be true this year? Let’s fill in the the survey and find out!

Vuejs Amsterdam 24 hour Online Conference

Vuejs Amsterdam 24 hour Online Conference

Vuejs Amsterdam is offering Vue Newsletter subscribers the chance to win 1 of 20 Full Experience Tickets. Simply register for FREE to Vuejs Amsterdam 2021 before Friday 18th Dec 17:00 and type "Vue Newsletter" in the community field for a chance to win.

Vetur v0.31 released

The new version of Vetur now comes with support for monorepos and globally registered components among other things!

Vue Router v4 is officially stable!

Vue Router 4 is officially stable!

State of Vue.js 2021 – The Survey

State of Vue.js 2021 – The Survey

Just like last year, the tradition continues. Monterail is preparing the new State of Vue.js report and they need your input.

Vue.js v3.0.0 One Piece Released

Vue.js v3.0.0 One Piece Released

Today we are proud to announce the official release of Vue.js 3.0 "One Piece". This new major version of the framework provides improved performance, smaller bundle sizes, better TypeScript integration, new APIs for tackling large scale use cases, and a solid foundation for long-term future iterations of the framework.

@vuelidate/core@2.0.0-alpha Released!

New Vuelidate version is here supporting both Vue 3.0 and Vue 2.x (with the Composition-API plugin). Although the docs are still in progress you can already get a good glimpse of how to use it and some brand new features like the support for nested validations. Take it for a spin!

Announcing the (new) Ionic Vue Beta

Anyone else feeling déjà vu? It feels like not too long ago we were launching the Ionic Vue beta built with Vue 2. Today, I am thrilled to announce the new and improved Ionic Vue beta built with Vue 3!

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Vue.js 3.0 Announcement Talk at Vue.js Global Online

Watch the announcement and "State of Vue" talk by Evan You.

VueConf Toronto | 4-6 November 2020 - Online Conference

VueConf Toronto | 4-6 November 2020 - Online Conference

VueConf Toronto is back this year as an online-only event. It’s also completely FREE!

The CFP is still open, so you can submit your talks here.

Release v3.0.0 · nuxt-community/pwa-module · GitHub

Zero config PWA solution for Nuxt.js now with Workbox 5.x support.

Release v1.5.0 · nuxt/content · GitHub

Write in a content/ directory and fetch your Markdown, JSON, YAML and CSV files through a MongoDB like API, acting as a Git-based Headless CMS - nuxt/content

Release v6.0.0-beta.1 · vuejs/vue-devtools

The new v6.0.0-beta.1 release of the Vue-Devtools introduce the support for Vue v3.0.0-rc.1. You can get the Chrome extennsion here.

For Firefox version and standalone Electron build, visit the release page.

Vue.js 3.0 Docs: Beta Version

The new docs have been released! Get yourself ready for the Vue version. And if you are an early adopter of Vue 3.0 beta, your struggles (no-docs) have come to an end!

Vue 3 is now in Release Candidate stage!

We are very excited to announce that Vue 3.0 is now in the RC (Release Candidate) stage!

Entering the RC stage means that both the API and implementation of Vue 3 core have stabilized. In principle, we do not expect to introduce new major features or breaking changes before the final release. Most official framework parts also now have v3 support. Please check here for the latest status.

SFC Improvements by yyx990803 · vuejs/rfcs

We’ve heard that many of you like Svelte and so do we. Some of the quality of life improvements that Svelte offers come from the Svelte compiler. And since we also have a compiler for the single-file components, Evan You figured we could use some Svelte-inspired magic! 🎩 Meet script setup – a new way to author Vue components using the composition-api but without the boilerplate. Fully optional.

Vue.js Global Conference

On August 13-14th the organizers of the biggest Vue.js conference in the world will host an online event called Vue.js Global! The Call for Papers is still open!

You can also apply for the Diversity Scholarship!

Release v4.0.0-beta.1 · vuejs/vue-router-next · GitHub

The Vue-Router v4.0 is now in beta! This brings us yet another step closer to the the official Vue 3.0 release!

Quasar v1.12.0 released! Lots of new features and improvements

The new "modern mode" of Quasar is out, where transpilation to ES5 is dropped, which means you can develop faster and build even faster and smaller apps with Quasar.

The release comes together with the v1.9.0 release of @quasar/app.

Release v0.6.0 · vuejs/composition-api

The new version of the composition-api plugin introduces some breaking changes that align the plugin with the current state of Vue 3.0 implementation.

Introducing Vue Formulate — Truly Delightful Form Authoring

Let's take a closer look at Vue Formulate and the problems it promises to solve for us.

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Introduction - Nuxt Content

Introduction - Nuxt Content

Empower your NuxtJS application with @nuxt/content module: write in a content/ directory and fetch your Markdown, JSON, YAML and CSV files through a MongoDB like API, acting as a Git-based Headless CMS.

Announcing Nuxt's $2M seed round

Three years ago, my brother Sébastien and I were open sourcing our code to build Vue.js application server side rendered easily. Today, we are incredibly excited to announce that NuxtJS has raised $2M in seed funding.

GitHub - vuejs/vite: Make Web Dev Fast Again

Vite is an opinionated web dev build tool that serves your code via native ES Module imports during dev and bundles it with Rollup for production.

Release v3.2.0 · vuejs/vuex · GitHub

New release that introduces the hasModule method to check if a module has already been registered.

Vue.js 3.0-beta – State of Vue Apr 16, 2020 – Evan You

Check out the presentation from Evan’s recent online ThisDot meetup about the just released Vue 3.0-beta!

Release v0.5.0 · vuejs/composition-api · GitHub

Along with several smaller fixes the new version of the composition-api plugin comes with watchEffect – a way to re-run functions when it’s dependencies change.

Vue 3.0 Changes for @Component decorator and Vue base class · vuejs/vue-class-component

Despite dropping the built-in class syntax for Vue 3.0, we will still support it thanks to the vue-class-component plugin. Read this to learn a bit more on how the library is evolving to work with the new version of Vue.

Redesigning Navigation failures and global handlers by posva · vuejs/rfcs · Vue-Router

Eduardo aka Posva is looking for your feedback on some further changes in Vue-Router.

New Async Component API by yyx990803 · vuejs/rfcs · Vue 3.0

Check out the proposal for the new syntax for creating async (aka lazy) components in Vue 3.0.

Vue Global Meetup, Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 5:00 PM

Vue Global Meetup aims to help collaborate different Vue communities around the world to broadcast online meetups. The first of such will happen on the 14th of April. Sign up if you would like to participate!

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Whoops! We couldn't access this Tweet.

Change active and exact-active behavior for router-link by posva · Pull Request #136 · vuejs/rfcs · GitHub

The RFCs of Vue core usually get more traction than those of supporting tools like the Vue-Router. Here’s a very important decision to be made for the future of our official router package and your voice matters. Please read it and leave your vote using 👍 /👎 or contribute to the discussion.

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Whoops! We couldn't access this Tweet.

Vue.js – Updated Roadmap

As we are getting closer to the Vue.js release, here is the updated roadmap! TL;DR; The beta release should be ready by the end of Q1 with the RC release being available around mid Q2. Most of the crucial tooling should also be mostly finished by around Q2.

Quasar v1.9.0 released!

Quasar Framework, the popular Vue-based framework to build websites, PWA, SSR, Mobile and Desktop apps, is now at v1.9.0 with a lot of new features and bug fixes. If you're a user of the framework, you don't want to miss this update!

Vue.js: The Documentary (TRAILER)

Well, what do you know! The amazing folks at have created a documentary dedicated to our beloved framework and shared with us a sneak peek. In this trailer you'll meet Vue's creator and BDFL Evan You (in his glorious slippers!), core members Thorsten Lünborg, Sarah Drasner, Jingjian Zhao, and Gu Yiling, as well as other famous tech people like the one and only Taylor Otwell – I doubt he needs an introduction. Be sure to check out the full documentary which is set to be released this February 24th!

Release v2.2.9 · vuetifyjs/vuetify · GitHub

New patch release of Vuetify comes with several bug fixes and improvements to accessibility.

VuePress v1.3.0 released!

New version comes with several improvements to the default theme and a few new features. Check out the release notes for more details.

Vue Vixens Day US 2020 – March 5, 2020, Austin, TX

Big news from the Vue Vixens! A day after, the foxy people behind Vue Vixens are organising a free one-day conference for all those who identify as women. The conference includes several talks and workshops – you really don’t want to miss it, especially if you are in town for

Portal functionality by LinusBorg · vuejs/rfcs · GitHub

A “portal” in the context of front-end UI frameworks is a component that allows to move its content to a different place in the document. This RFC introduces such a component built in Vue 3.0. For Vue v2.x you can use portal-vue.

Vue Watch - Well-maintained Vue plugins scored and searchable

Having trouble navigating the vast ecosystem of open-sourced Vue components and plugins? Check out Vue Watch – the service lists tons of available Vue libraries and gives them a score based on how well maintained and tested it is among other criteria. On top of that, it’s fully searchable!

Release v1.0.0-beta.31 · vuejs/vue-test-utils · GitHub

Here it is – the first release of the vue-test-utils testing library under the new team! The changes include multiple fixes due to the removal of the sync-mode as well as several new features.

Announcing Villus - A tiny and fast GraphQL Client for Vue.js

Interested in using GraphQL but without all the bells and whistles that come with Apollo? Well, Abdelrahman Awad got you covered! He just created a 3kb minimalistic GraphQL client with some staple features like reactive queries. It also makes use of the upcoming Composition API.

Quasar v1.7.0 released!

New: Svg icons and icon sets & novelties for QCard, Cookies, QVideo.

Additionally, if you missed the previous v1.6 release, there is a new component called QSkeleton.

GitHub - vuejs/vue-cli-plugin-vue-next

Would you like to try Vue 3.0-alpha version? Now to make it easier, there is a Vue CLI plugin to make this as easy as it gets – just run Vue UI and select the vue-next plugin to be installed in your app! That’s all.

This Month in Vue - December 2019

Here’s a summary of all the great things Vue from December prepared by the great folks from VueMastery.

The State of JavaScript 2019: Front End Frameworks

Results from the State of JavaScript 2019 survey are here. See how Vue compares to other frameworks.

Release v2.11.0 · nuxt/nuxt.js · GitHub

New release of Nuxt.js, which includes multiple bug fixes as well as several new improvements like migrating to the new Vue-Router v3.1.x.

Release v3.2.0 · logaretm/vee-validate · GitHub

Two new features for Vee-validate along with several fixes. Great job Abdelrahman! Check out the release notes.

129: Evan You - What's Coming in Vue.js 3.0

In this episode, Adam talks to Evan You about all of the changes and improvements coming to Vue.js 3.0.

The 2019 State of JavaScript Survey

As always around this time of the year, we have the State of JavaScript survey. It’s one of the most influential surveys out there for Frontend developers, often affecting the overall perception of different tools on the market.

Vuetensils v0.4 released – Austin Gil

The latest release of Vuetensils (a Vue UI framework that is focused on accessibility) comes with 2 new components and several handy directives.

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v6.0.0 · vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue · GitHub

Eslint-plugin-vue v6.0.0 has been released! This includes support for Eslint v6.0. Along with the eslint plugin release, other eslint-related libraries have also been updated: eslint-config-typescript and eslint-config-prettier.

All Slides from VueConf Toronto 2019

Here are all the slides from the amazing talks at VueConf Toronto! Check them out!

Quasar v1.4.0 released!

The biggest addition in this release would probably the Intersection Component that allows you to easily react to components becoming visible when the user scrolls them into view. Another new thing is the new mapping feature for QIcon component that allows you to add support for new icon libraries.

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Whoops! We couldn't access this Tweet.

Release v5.3.0 · vuejs/vue-devtools · GitHub

⚙️ Browser devtools extension for debugging Vue.js applications. - vuejs/vue-devtools

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Release v0.6.0 · Akryum/vue-cli-plugin-ssr · GitHub

✨ Simple SSR plugin for Vue CLI.

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Release @quasar/app-v1.2.0 · quasarframework/quasar · GitHub

It's here! Official support for Capacitor in Quasar CLI. And many enhancements to Cordova mode as well. The docs have been refined in this area.

Release 1.2.0 · vuejs/vuepress · GitHub

"Async function as config" and "smooth scroll" are the main new features. Additionally navbar dropdown links will have better accessibility.

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Vueconf.US Early Bird Ends October 13

This is the LAST WEEK to get EARLY BIRD PASSES for Vueconf.US. Immerse yourself in the amazing community that is vuejs. Why pay more? Sign up this week!

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Announcing Bit for Vue Public Beta

Share and reuse Vue components between projects and applications. Build a reusable Vue component design system from real code. Build, distribute and collaborate over Vue components. Build as a team.

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Quasar App CLI 1.1.0 Released - Quasar Framework

Two major improvements in the new App CLI v1.1.0 – out of the box support for Sass and an option to let the CLI automatically detect which components/directives/plugins you have used from the Quasar UI framework, which should save you plenty of work when you want to make your app only load the necessary elements.

BootstrapVue v2.0.0 released!

BootstrapVue has reached the 2.0.0 release! The new version ships with several new improvements and a few breaking changes. For the latter, there’s already a migration guide prepared. Check it out!

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Whoops! We couldn't access this Tweet.

Quasar 1.1.0 released! – Quasar Framework Community

Changes include: New Virtual Scroll component, improved performance on dialogs and tooltips that are based on the portal component as well as numerous fixes and improvements to existing components.

VeeValidate 3.0 Released

VeeValidate is one of the most popular validation libraries dedicated to Vue. I’m super excited to let you know that the 3.0 version has been released with complete TypeScript support and better DX. Some of the breaking changes include the deprecation of the directive. Instead you will have to use a provider component.

Release v4.0.0-rc.0 · vuejs/vue-cli · GitHub

The new version (4.0) of the Vue-CLI has reached the release candidate phase! Check the release notes or take a look at the new docs that have been made available.