132Wednesday, February 27, 2019Huge improvement in new Vetur release; Go and get Linusborg a coffee!; Try out hooks with Erik Hanchett
I hope you’re great! I’ve got some pretty neat updates for you, especially if you’re using VS Code and Vetur. Because if you do, you have to see the GIF in that tweet. The tool now autosuggests available props and attrs for the components that you use 🤯.
Also, Thorsten Lünborg AKA “Linusborg”, also known as the person closes to a real life-support for Vue, has started his Ko-fi page. This means, if he ever helped you (and if you use the official Vue forums, I’m pretty sure he did) you can now buy him a coffee there. ☕️
Enjoy, — Damian Dulisz
Vue.js Hooks: First Look And Tutorial!
Here’s probably the first tutorial on how to use hooks, recorded by Erik Hanchett. If you want to explore what’s there to come in the not-that-far future, here’s a good place to start.
Vue.js Components Fundamentals
If you’re looking for some introduction course for the fundamentals of Vue compoonents, our friends at VueSchool.io have prepared a series of fundamental lessons every Vue user should know. And it’s also free!
Migrating from Angular to Vue
Here’s a great migration story, of how Fundbox managed to seamlessly migrate from an Angular.js app to Vue, while still being able to keep on schedule with the release schedule of their product. If you’re stuck with working on an app that uses an older framework – you might want to show this story to your manager.
Creating Custom Directives in Vue.js
Custom directives in Vue is a pretty unexplored topic, mostly used by library developers. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be writing your own directives. And if you were not sure how to – then this article by Jennifer Bland should give you a glimpse on the possibilities offered.

How to use asyncData to Integrate Contentful into Nuxt
Although I wouldn’t say that Contentful plus Nuxt.js equals Fire, I mean that would be dangerous. And our news page uses both those tools and works just fine. But I have to admit that knowing how to connect those two might come super useful the next time you will have to build a company page, portfolio or a blog. Or something completely different.
Quasar Framework for Vue.js
If you’re curious about Quasar (a full blown mobile+desktop+web framework on top of Vue), Andre Madarang has recorded a video that gives a pretty nice introduction working with framework.
GitHub - znck/pgp-encrypted-pages-with-vue
Demo project for encrypting pages with PGP
GitHub - hunterae/vue-table-for
Easily build a table for your records
GitHub - dmtrbrl/vue-trend-chart
Simple trend charts for Vue.js
GitHub - nicolasbeauvais/vue-social-sharing
A Vue.js component for sharing links to social networks, work with Vue.js 1.X and 2.X