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94Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Vue CLI v3 is now using webpack 4; Vue Contributor Days soon! Introduction to Vue workshop with Sarah Drasner and Chris Fritz and more!

Great news – since the latest beta release, Vue CLI 3.0 is now using webpack 4! As always, if you’re using the beta version, please let us know of any issues you spot by submitting those on the project’s GitHub issue board!

Just 3 weeks until the very first Vue Contributor Days – read the introduction post!


New vue-cli beta release – 3.0.0-beta.10

The most important news is that Vue CLI is now using webpack 4. 🎉 However, this also means breaking changes. Plugins that do not yet support webpack 4 won’t be working with Vue CLI. If you work on such a plugin or maybe you’re already using Vue CLI v3 in your app – keep that in mind when updating.

Introducing Vue Contributor Days – 6am PST / 9am EST on June 6th, 2018

If you’re interested in contributing to the Vue ecosystem you might be interested in signing in for the Vue Contributor Day organised by This Dot Media. During the stream the core team members as well as authors of popular libraries will share updates related to Vue as well as answer some of the questions from other attendees.

Workshop: Introduction to Vue by Sarah Drasner, Chris Fritz, Jun 4th-Jun 5th, 2018 in San Francisco, CA

Vue.js core team members Sarah Drasner and Chris Fritz will be giving a 2-days workshop in San Francisco, California next month. If you’re new to Vue or just want to refine your skills –this is your chance to learn from the very best. The regular price is $849 however, if you hurry up you can grab an early-bird ticket for just $649!

Release v2.0.0-beta.3 · meteor-vue/vue-meteor-tracker

vue-meteor-tracker is the popular bridge between Vue and Meteor. Akryum just released a new beta version of it with several improvements and breaking changes.

VueConf US: Lightning Talks Playlist (17 videos)

There was a total of 17 Lightning Talks at VueConf US and here you can watch them all. Each talk is around 5-6 minutes.

5 lightning talks from VueConf US you can’t miss

Derick Sozo from VueMastery has picked his top 5 favourite lightning talks from VueConf US. You don’t want to miss those!

Vuejs Dependency Injection - 2 Way Provide/Inject Data Binding

Provide/Inject is a relatively new addition to the Vue API (v2.2.0+, similar to React’s context API) and in most cases it is recommended to avoid using it when building applications. However, there might be use cases where using it is justified. And when you do, those tips by Alex Riviere might come in handy.

Build a realtime chart with Vue.js

Here’s a really nice article on how to create realtime charts using Vue.js, Pusher and Chart.js.

Implementing a global snackbar in Nuxt.js & Vuetify using Vuex

Snackbars are a popular way to show notifications to the users. Here’s a great article that will show you how to connect the Vuetify snackbar component with Vuex, thus creating a global notification system.

Creating Multi-root Vue.js Components

Usually when working with Vue, your components are required to have just 1 root element in the template. However, not many people know that functional components don’t have that limitation.

Handling API calls in Vue –

Handling API calls is a common problem for everyone who is just starting on web development. This article shows how to properly encapsulate the asynchronous code and use them within Vuex actions.


GitHub - TonPC64/vue-highlight-text


🔦 Vue component for highlight multiple istances of a word

GitHub - anthonygore/vue-router-user-roles


A Vue.js plugin that protects routes based on user roles. Add your own authentication.