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103Tuesday, July 17, 2018
🇨🇦Vue.js Conference coming to Toronto, November 2018!


I’m happy to announce that VueConf is coming to Toronto, Canada 🇨🇦, November 2018! The website is still being prepared and should launch next week along with the tickets, but you can already follow them on Twitter @VueToronto.


— Damian Dulisz


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The Best Explanation of JavaScript Reactivity 🎆

By understanding what reactivity is and how it works, you can improve your development skills and more effectively use JavaScript frameworks. Watch or read this visual explanation.

7 Tips For Building A Large Nuxt App

After one year of using Nuxt on large codebases, Jonas Galvez provides seven tips to help you better manage your large Nuxt projects.

Mocking global objects in vue test utils

Unit tests often require us to mock some of the component dependencies like the Vuex store or the $router property. Here’s an article that explains how to do just that using the official vue-test-utils library.

Vuejs + Plotly.js = Reactive charts

Plotly.js is a library for building charts and graphs. In this article, Bob Thomas shows us how to connect it with Vue.js and thanks to it build reactive charts that will update whenever the data change.

Vue Tic-tac-toe tutorial

Ably Realtime is a Firebase-like service that allows for building real-time applications with relative ease. This tutorial shows how to build a tic-tac-toe game and make it multiplayer using Vue and Ably.

Writing Vuex modules in neat TypeScript classes

Something for TypeScript users – not satisfied with the way you construct Vuex modules? Here Arnav Gupta shows how to use classes for Vuex modules using a library called vuex-module-decorators.

Vue Native Starter Kit with Validation and State Management

Vue Native is an open source framework through which you can create cross-platform mobile apps using Vue. In this article, the Rajat shows how to build such an app that will include form validation and state management. You can also download this example app as a simple starter for your new application.

Vuelidate Validation Messages

One of Vuelidate’s initial design decisions was to make it completely template agnostic. It came with a price though – there’s no built-in functionality to define and display error messages – this is left for the developer. To help with that Nicholas Baroni wrote a small script that can help you map certain types of errors to predefined messages thus making the whole error-displaying process a bit easier.


Vui: Custom Vue Components


Is a Vue 2.0 component library for designers and front-end developers based on Bootstrap 4.

GitHub - abdullah/vuex-module-generator


A library that allows for certain automation of Vuex module creation. Read more here: https://medium.com/@abdullahmara/vuex-module-generator-f48077326ea1

GitHub - e2o/vue-element-query


Vue.js mixin plugin for creating element size queries in components.