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118Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Prettier now supports Vue templates! Incoming VueVixens workshops; one week until VueConf Toronto and more!


great news – Prettier now fully supports Vue templates. 🎉This means auto-formatting for template features like v-for, slot-scope and event handlers. All thanks to the awesome work by @ikatyang. 👏

Just a week until VueConf Toronto! I’m looking at the fantastic line-up of speakers right now and I wish I could attend. 😥 It’s going to be a great event!

Speaking of events – there are multiple incoming VueVixens workshops in the next 30 days that you might be interested in – check out this tweet by Natalia Tepluhina for details.

— Damian Dulisz


Prettier now supports Vue!

Great news! Prettier – the popular code formatter, is now supporting Vue! This includes template features like v-for, slot-scope and others.

Whoops! We couldn't access this Tweet.
Whoops! We couldn't access this Tweet.

Voice-Controlled Web Visualizations with Vue.js and Machine Learning

Speech recognition along with language understanding services opens up the way for multiple different functionalities from bots to applications being controlled by your voice. In this tutorial, Sarah Drasner pairs Vue.js, three.js and LUIS (Cognitive Services) to create a voice-controlled web visualisation.

Getting Your Company To Switch To Vue

If you want your company to add Vue to their stack, you may need to convince the decision makers to give it a try. This post will arm you with some compelling arguments that you can use to make the case for Vue.

Vue API calls in a smart way

Here’s an interesting article about managing your services layer by applying both the repository and factory patterns to create a scalable approach to handling all the API calls in your app.

Making a large scale app with Vue.js (part 1): Modularize your store!

A very promising start to a series about building large-scale Vue applications. The first part focuses on managing and modularising the Vuex store. Stephane Souron shares his experience on the topic along with some recommendations like ditching the use of Vuex helpers like mapActions.

Working with Dynamic Components in Vue.js

Dynamic components (using component :is syntax) are one of my favourite features in Vue. They make multiple problems much easier to solve and work great with . Here’s a nice tutorial by Raymond Camden that shows how to use them to build a dynamic form based on a schema.

Combining Vue, TypeScript and RxJS with Vue-Rx

Rx.js is a powerful tool, although with a rather steep learning curve. Add TypeScript to the mix and it might end up quite intimidating for newcomers. However, in this tutorial (creating a dynamic search input that fetches matching news with Vue-Rx), Francesco Vitullo actually made it look almost easy. Definitely worth reading if you have a use-case for Rx.js.

How to Render Vue Apps to a Server Using Nuxt

Here’s an entry-level tutorial on how to get started with server-side rendering (with Nuxt.js) that will improve your application SEO and speed.


GitHub - LinusBorg/vue-cli-plugin-test-attrs


A small plugin for vue-cli 3 that adds a compiler plugin to remove data-test attributes when desired

Vue Dark Mode | A Minimalist Dark Design System for Vue.js 🎨


Based components designed for the insomniacs who enjoy dark interfaces as much as we do.