138Tuesday, April 16, 2019Natalia Tepluhina joins the Vue core team! 🎉 List of probably all incoming breaking changes in Vue 3.0 and more!
I’m honored to let you know that Natalia Tepluhina is now officially a Vue.js core team member! 🎉 She’s been doing an amazing job contributing to the Vue core documentation as well as several official libraries like the vue-cli.
Congratulations! 👏
Also, most of the non-trivial breaking changes that are coming to Vue 3.0 has already been published as RFCs. You can read them all here.
Vue.js London was amazing last year and it’s back this year for an encore! Are you planning to attend? Then go grab a super early bird ticket while you still can.
Slides from the conference
VueDay in Verona, Italy was a huge success! Here are some of the slides from the conference.
Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019
The Stack Overflow Developer Survey results are here and they are really promising! Vue scored the 2nd place for both the most loved and the most wanted web frameworks. What’s funny though was to see Evan You being mentioned quite a few times as the most influential person in tech this year. 🚀

Watch Us Build a Trello Clone
During my visit to the US, I had the chance to record a series of videos where together with Gregg, we were building a simple Trello clone from scratch. I think the most interesting part of the video would be how we ended up refactoring the naive, 1st implementation and how we created components to handle both drag and drop on top of the browser API.
Testing logic inside a Vue.js watcher
Here’s a pretty useful trick if you end up putting logic inside your watchers. If you do that, know that you can easily test it by calling the method directly from the $options property of your component. An alternative approach would be to assign a method to the watcher as the handler instead. Then you just need to test the method.

How to create a blog using Nuxt.js and Contentful
Building a blog? Want to use Vue? Worried about SEO? Then you should probably go with Nuxt.js combined with a headless CMS. This allows you to do server-side rendering of the content fetched from a headless CMS like Contentful. This is actually the same stack that powers this website.
Maintaining a single source of truth while handling form data with Vuex
Here’s a pretty useful trick on how to make it easier to work with forms that use data from Vuex. Since you don’t want to mutate the form directly, you have to go through mutations. But having a mutation for every input out there in the form – probably not the way to go. Read the article to see how it can be solved. My small suggestion would be to pass the property name into the event handler rather than keeping it inside the ID attribute.
Yes, this is how to cache pages by URL with Vue, Vue Router and Keep Alive component
There is a less known functionality in Vue, that allows you to cache the component when it is being rendered and removed from the DOM. This is made possible thanks to the keep-alive abstract component. Instead of destroying the component instance it makes them simply inactive. This can be also used with dynamic components as well as with the router-view to cache specific routes. Check out this article to learn how to do that for custom route params.
The trouble with implementing SSR into a Laravel/Vue app
I don’t know much about Laravel, but doing javascript-based SSR in any other env than Node is pretty hard, though not impossible. Here’s how you can do it in Laravel!
GitHub - neetjn/v-localize
Simple localization plugin for the amazing Vue.js.
Vue Select v3.0 Released
Everything you wish the HTML element could do, wrapped up into a lightweight, extensible Vue component.
GitHub - egoist/saber github.com
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