154Tuesday, August 20, 2019The Vue Function-based Component API RFC is back, now known as the Composition API 🎉 Nuxt.js v2.9.0 is out! Introducing NuxtPress and more!
Here I got some amazing news for you!
Remember the Function-based Component API proposal? After a long discussion and the feedback we collected from the community, it ended up rejected, but is now back, in a fully reworked form and is known as the Composition API. The new name suits it perfectly. You can read more about the proposed changes here. No breaking changes, no need to rewrite anything. Keep in mind this is still an RFC, which means your feedback is more than welcome.
There’s even a separate VuePress page with docs on how the Composition API would work, that I highly recommend you to read.
Also, Nuxt.js has just hit the 2.9.0 version with several new features and bug fixes. Most notably TypeScript users get a set of 3 modules to hugely improve the developer experience. You can read more about it in the dedicated docs for Nuxt TypeScript.
That’s not all. If you’ve been looking for a static page generator to build your blog and for some reason you were not satisfied with either Gridsome or VuePress and building it from scratch with Nuxt seemed like a lot of work – don’t worry. Jonas Galvez from the Nuxt.js team has just released NuxtPress! There’s even a backstory to it. Great work!
Composition API (revised from Function-based Component API) – vuejs/rfcs
A few days ago, Evan You has published the reworked Function-API RFC. It is now called the Composition API, which fits much better the direction the RFC is taking. The Composition API is a fully additive feature (meaning no breaking changes and NO need to rewrite your existing code), which can be used to improve the way you build your components by being able to extract some of the reusable logic into so called composition functions that can be shared between components or even other composition functions. You can think about them as mixins on steroids without none of the drawbacks. And of course you can mix both the composition API and the typical object-options API that you know from Vue 2.x. 🎉
The new RFC comes with some additional changes compared to the original one, but it has a detailed documentation page you should definitely read!

Introducing NuxtPress 📗
Say hi to NuxtPress. The firstborn of Nuxt and VuePress... Wait what? Just kidding! 😂 It has nothing to do with VuePress and everything with Nuxt. NuxtPress is a static page generator based on Nuxt.js, created by Jonas Galvez. However, contrary to VuePress, this static generator is more oriented towards building blogs than documentation, though this is also possible.
You can read the the introduction story here.
New Vue.js UI/UX Framework
Inkline is a modern UI/UX Framework for Vue.js designed for creating flawless responsive web applications.
How to load dynamic images in Vue and Nuxt with ease
Importing images from the assets folder when the path is static is not that difficult in both frameworks, Vue and Nuxt.js. But loading images with dynamic paths often confuses developers that are fairly new to one of these frameworks. In the following article, I want to demystify the process of dynamic image loading in Vue and Nuxt, and explain why static images can be loaded easily and what to do when the path has to be dynamic.
Vue.js Router Performance
At this point lazy-loading routes in Vue-Router should probably be a pretty common practice. Hence, it’s how Nuxt.js works by default. However, there’s more that can be done to further optimize the performance of your Vue apps. In this article, Filip Rakowski is talking about a webpack trick that can improve how your vendor code is being handled by using the splitChunksPlugin.
Vue.js for Angular Developers
If you’re coming from an Anguler background or have some friends that do, you might be interested in this article. It walks you through building a ToDo application while at the same time, the author compares how different Vue features/patterns have their matching equivalent in Angular.
What I Like About Vue
Dave Rupert is the co-host of Shop Talk along with Chris Coyier, a podcast focused on building websites, performance, design and all the things in between. In this article, he shares his thoughts on using Vue.
Spoiler alert! ⚠️ He likes Vue quite a lot!
GitHub - cfjedimaster/vue-demos
A repository of Vue demos by Raymond Camden
GitHub - madlabsinc/mevn-cli
Light speed setup for MEVN(Mongo Express Vue Node) Apps
GitHub - johnsusek/vue-test-declarative:
Declarative unit testing for Vue components.