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157Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Gridsome v0.7, VuePress v1.1.0 and Bootstrap-Vue v2 released! "Looking into the Vueture" by Natalia Tepluhina and more!


This week is release week: VuePress, Gridsome and Bootstrap-Vue have been released (respectively versions 1.1.0, 0.7 and 2.0). 🎉

Also, if you would like to take a peek into the vueture check out the newest talk by Natalia Tepluhina from ComponentsConf 2019.

A shameless plug, but I finally published my "Composing Components in Vue.js" article. I think it’s a pretty good one! 😅

Lots of other great articles this week too, so make sure to check them out.

Just 10 days left until the amazing VueAndMe workshops will take place and I got a special 15% discount code for you if you’d like to participate: "@VueNewsletter".


Damian Dulisz


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Whoops! We couldn't access this Tweet.

BootstrapVue v2.0.0 released!

BootstrapVue has reached the 2.0.0 release! The new version ships with several new improvements and a few breaking changes. For the latter, there’s already a migration guide prepared. Check it out!

Vueand.me: Budapest edition – September 28-29

The Vueand.me workshops in Budapest are just around the corner, on September 28-29th. If you want to learn Vue.js with Natalia, Nico and Gusto, we've got three 15% discount coupons for you.

The secret code is "@VueNewsletter".

Video: Looking into the Vueture: Composition Functions

Watch the talk by Natalia Tepluhina about Vue 3 titled "Looking into the Vueture: Composition Functions" from ComponentsConf 2019

Building a VueJS screencasting app from scratch

If you enjoy watching other people build an app and explaining what they are doing along the way, Jeffrey Biles has just started a series of videos where he builds a Vue-based screen-casting application.

Composing Components in Vue.js

Component Composition can be understood in two ways. Usually people think about composing a component using mixins (and soon composition functions thanks to the upcoming Composition API). However, what I would like to talk about is composition where we connect several components together to form a new one that combines the functionalities of the smaller components. But let’s start from the beginning – the why.

On building a Vue.js piano, Scriabin's synesthesia, synths/samplers in Tone.js, learning your scales and arpeggios and more!

Here’s a cool article about a very interesting project – building a piano-like app in Vue.js. But it doesn’t stop there, goes more into synthesizers and the ever interesting music theory. If you happen to be interested in the music theory, this is a must read!

How to Target the DOM in Vue

Accessing the DOM directly is often considered an anti-pattern when working with Vue.js. However, sometimes it’s a necessary thing to do and it’s important to do it correctly to avoid potential problems. Read this article by Marina Mosti to learn how to do it properly and when not to do it at all.

Using Scoped Slots in Vue.js – VueDose #23

VueDose is back after the summer break with a new tip. This time it’s a super short introduction to scoped slots.

Comparing React Hooks with Vue Composition API

When the Composition API RFC was first introduced (as Function Based API) it was quickly compared to React Hooks, even though those concepts differ greatly from each other. Here’s a pretty great write-up about the upcoming API and how it compares to React Hooks. What it is and what it isn’t along with a long list of code examples.

Dependency Mocks - A Secret Weapon for Vue Unit Tests

If your Vue single-file components have dependencies, you'll need to handle those dependencies in unit tests. In this article, you'll learn how to mock dependencies in Jest by replacing them in the component's dependency graph.

Powering up static sites with Gridsome taxonomies

Have you heard about Gridsome? A static page generator for Vue.js powered by GraphQL. I just recently used it to create my own blog and it’s been a pretty amazing experience. However, the GraphQL part can feel a bit steep at when you are just starting, so you might want to check out this article by Núria Soriano that explains that part really good.

Easily build unique, accessible, and lightweight Vue components

Probably we all had this issue, where we had to pick either an existing component library or build everything ourselves to fulfill the requirements. Especially if we care about accessibility (and we should!). In this article, Austin suggest the usage of Vuetensils – a component framework that by itself is completely bare (when it comes to how it looks) and instead focuses accessible and easy to style.




Vuetensils is a collection of mostly unstyled Vue components that focus on: Accessible components, Semantic markup, Light weight, Custom styling



A Vue-based server-side rendering framework