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158Thursday, September 26, 2019
Quasar App CLI v1.1.0 released! New episode of Views On Vue and more!


Not that much has happened this week, I guess everyone is preparing for Vue.js London next weekend (October 5-6). You might still get a ticket if you hurry up!

The Quasar App CLI v1.1.0 has been released. The most important change is probably the built in support for using Sass in your CSS code.

Also, Markus Oberlehner has wrote two great Vuex-focused articles – make sure to check them out!


Damian Dulisz


Quasar App CLI 1.1.0 Released - Quasar Framework

Two major improvements in the new App CLI v1.1.0 – out of the box support for Sass and an option to let the CLI automatically detect which components/directives/plugins you have used from the Quasar UI framework, which should save you plenty of work when you want to make your app only load the necessary elements.

Whoops! We couldn't access this Tweet.

Gridsome Vue-Remark Tutorial

Using Vue components inside markdown files is a new feature of the recent Gridsome version. Which is something that can be extremely useful for every kind of tech writing but not limited to. Here’s a video tutorial series that shows how to use it.

#24 – Data Provider component in Vue.js

Not all Vue components have to be UI–rendering components. Data Provider components (like Vue-Promised) are an example of that. Read this short tutorial to learn how they are created and why they can be very useful.

Make your Vuex State Flat: State Normalization with Vuex

Working with a deeply nested Vuex state can be quite problematic (especially when you try to update it without mutating it, since deeply nested objects and arrays are also passed by reference). To solve this and other possible problems, Markus is proposing to normalize your Vuex state by keeping your state "flat" and only pointing to specific objects with special keys like id.

Generic Content Vuex Modules

Here’s an interesting idea. Once you normalize your store, you will see that certain operations inside of it will be quite repeatable, often resembling the typical CRUD operations known from backend frameworks. Knowing that, Markus shows how you can build a Vuex module factory to easily create new modules for your data.

Vuetify color theme builder

Updated for Vuetify 2. Now you can build a light and a dark theme at the same time.


GitHub - vuelidate/formvuelatte


Forms, Vue and Coffee ☕️. Flexible schema generated form that lets you use your own input components.

GitHub - logaretm/vue-use-web


🕸 Web APIs implemented as Vue.js composition functions