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163Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Vue-Devtools v5.3.0 released! Articles on Vue 3.0 and more!

Hey everyone, it's An here again freezing to death in this first wave of cold air from the Alps. From the core team, Gillaume is still on a roll, this time with a new version of Vue Devtools, and is currently busy in New York preparing for his VueToronto talk on Vue 3.0 APIs for library authors – he shared with me the talk's synopsis and let me tell you now: It will be solid!

This week, aside from the Vue 3 articles that we certainly can't get enough of, we have some more general Vue techniques and practices to share. So, roll up your sleeves and get busy!

An Phan


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Release v5.3.0 · vuejs/vue-devtools · GitHub

⚙️ Browser devtools extension for debugging Vue.js applications. - vuejs/vue-devtools

Vue 3: Start Using it Today

If you've not been living under the rock, you must have heard of the next major version of Vue. Sure, Evan and the core team have been putting lots of effort into the vue-next repository which is planned to be released the soonest, but what if you just can't wait to try out (some of) the new features? In this article, Gregg from VueMastery will guide you through just that – how to start using Vue 3 today and be fully prepared for what tomorrow has in store!

Scrolling Shadows with Vue.js

If you're not familiar with the term, scrolling shadow is the technique to add shadows to an element to make it clear that the element is scrollable – something that might not be that obvious on e.g. a mobile device. This article from Markus shows how to write a Vue component to achieve just that.

Learn Which Exciting Features Vue 3 Brings to The Table

A sum up of what Vue 3 brings, compiled by no other than Filip Rakowski, our Vue community partner. Composition API (of course!), global mounting/configuration API change, portals, fragments and whatnot. Granted, some of these topics are still subject to changes, but it's never a bad idea to get yourself familiar with the concepts. Oh, and by the way, Vue's doc team is writing the migration guide for each of these new features as we speak, so no worries – we've got your back!

10 Good Practices for Building and Maintaining Large Vue.js Projects

Nada Rifki lists down the top best practices she's developed while working on Vue projects with a huge codebase, ranging from slot usage and Vuex store organization to git commit message convention and package version freezing. Will they all be applicable for the application you're working on? Maybe, maybe not. Are they good food for thought, though? You bet!


GitHub - paleo/direct-vuex


Use and implement your Vuex store with TypeScript types. Compatible with the Vue 3 composition API.