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164Thursday, November 7, 2019
9 RFCs are about to be finalised – last chance to provide feedback! Videos from ReactiveConf and more!

Hi everyone, it’s An here again. It’s been one of those more quiet weeks on the FE front (I know, I know), so we don’t have a lot to share this time. Still, there’s a couple of nice videos from ReactiveConf, interesting articles on Tailwind CSS and a news SSR framework, and a Twitter thread from Evan explaining how Vue 3 will be an incredible release. So, enjoy!

P.S. I’m visiting the beautiful city of Prague this weekend so let me know if anyone wants to hang out for a cup of ☕.

An Phan


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VueConf US 2020 Workshops – March 2-4, 2020 in Austin, USA

8 amazing Vue workshops have been announced for the upcoming VueConfUS conference.

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ReactiveConf 2019 – Sebastien Chopin: Be Lazy, Be Smart, Be Nuxt.

Sebastien Chopin, Nuxt.js co-author, will demonstrate how to create a web application quickly using Nuxt.js and explaining how it works under the hood.

ReactiveConf 2019 – Karol Fabjanczuk's Lightning Talk

Karol Fabjanczuk's lightning talk on Vue 3's upcoming Composition API.

Setting up Tailwind CSS with Vue.js

Tailwind, the utility-first CSS framework, is taking the front-end world by storm (Get it? Wind+storm? OK, I'll see myself out), and it only makes sense to combine its power with Vue's. This article from Markus Oberlehner guides you through exactly that: Setting up Tailwind to work with a Vue CLI powered application.

Vapperjs - A Vue-based SSR framework

HcySunYang introduces Vapper – a new SSR framework based on Vue, the motivations and philosophies behind its creation, and what sets in apart from existing solutions like Nuxt or Quasar Framework.

Theming using CSS Custom Properties in Vue.js Components

This new VueDose tip from Cesar Alberca tackles exactly what the title says: Theming using CSS custom properties in Vue components. A bit longer than usual, but if you want to create super generic, flexible and yet robust components, it’s still worth a read nonetheless.


GitHub – vuex-orm/plugin-axios


Vuex ORM persistence plugin to sync the store against a RESTful API.