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173Friday, January 31, 2020
🐉 Welcome Ben "bencodezen" Hong; Enjoy the Vue #1 Episode is here; VuePress v1.3.0 released and more!


I’m very happy to let you know that Ben Hong aka bencodezen has recently joined the Vue.js core team! Rumors say, he’s actually a blue-scaled dragon that escaped Hogwarts during the Triwizard Tournament, but then again what does a muggle like me know? 🤷‍♂️

Congratulations Ben! 🐉

Also, VuePress v1.3.0 has been released! You can check out the list of changes here.

If you have been looking for a (non-news) podcast that is all about Vue, look no further! Put on your headphones and check out Enjoy the Vue episode #1 brought to you by Chris Fritz, Ben Hong, Ari Clark, and Elizabeth Fine!

Wish you a great weekend,

Damian Dulisz


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VuePress v1.3.0 released!

New version comes with several improvements to the default theme and a few new features. Check out the release notes for more details.

Enjoy the Vue – New podcast with some familiar voices!

Here’s a brand new Vue.js podcast. Interviews, discussions and more, brought to you by Chris Fritz, Ben Hong, Ari Clark, and Elizabeth Fine. Definitely something to keep an ear on.

Quasar v1.8.0 released!

Among other changes and improvements, the new release comes with a completely new component – QFile, which is a file picker, that can be used to upload files.

Introducing VueScreencasts

Jeffrey Biles has been producing free Vue.js screen-casts for a while now and just now he released his VueScreencasts platform, where you can watch all of his tutorials (over 19h) for free!

Improved accessible routing in Vue.js

Here’s a great write-up on how to improve the accessibility when using front-end routing. The author also links to accessible-app – a project that aims to collect accessible patterns and demo implementations (in Vuejs!) to certain frontend problems like modals or dropdowns. You can also contribute new patterns to it!

Leverage `provide/inject` to avoid prop drilling in Vue.js

A quick tutorial on how to build support for dynamic theming using the provide/inject API. Although this API is generally not recommended for common usage in applications in Vue 2.x, this might change in Vue 3.0 given the incoming tweaks it receives. Definitely something worth picking up right now.

Editable interfaces with Vue.js and Tailwindcss

Being able to edit (content and design) a "live" website could be considered the dream of many marketing specialists. But that’s easier said than done. Here’s a lengthy article and a live demo on how you can build something like this yourself!


GitHub - primefaces/primevue


PrimeVue is a collection of rich UI components for Vue.