97Tuesday, June 5, 2018Vue.js Meetups, Vue Contributor Day, Vue-CLI UI in the latest beta release and more!
I can’t believe I only now learned about VueMeetups.org – a very nice initiative by Ben Hong. It’s the biggest list of Vue meetups around the world that I have ever seen. Try it out, you might just find one near you.
Also, with the latest beta release of Vue-CLI you can take the brand new UI for a spin! Just update vue-cli and run vue ui
in your console. As always, feedback is welcome.
Oh, and Krutie Patel is at it again – with a brand new infographic explaining Nuxt.js modules, serverMiddleware and plugins. Check it out!
— Damian Dulisz

Vue.js Meetups
Are you looking for a Vue meetup in your area? Or maybe you are organizing a Vue event? Be sure to check out this site – it centralizes most of the Vue events around the world. It also includes some resources for like handbooks for both the organizers and the speakers.
Vue Contributor Day – Wednesday 6 am PDT
The Vue Contributor Day is happening this Wednesday starting at 6 am PDT and will last for around 3 hours. Don’t miss it! The updates will include the future of Vue (3.0, the upcoming RFC process), recent tooling changes as well as updates regarding education and tooling from the community members.
Guillaume Chau is creating tools and libraries for Vue.js | Patreon
Guillaume Chau aka Akryum, is the author of Vue-Apollo, Vue-Virtual-Scroller, V-Tooltip and several other Vue related libraries. He’s also maintaining the Vue.js Devtools and more recently — responsible for the upcoming Vue-CLI UI. And now he has started a Patreon campaign. If you feel that Guillaume has helped you with your work thanks to the incredible contribution he made to the ecosystem, please consider supporting him on the platform.
Release v6.0.0 · vuejs/vue-rx
A new major version of vue-rx is here! Most important changes – introducing support for RxJS 6.0 and dropping support RxJS 4.0.
Master Vue.js, Modern JavaScript and More with The Vue.js Master Class
Learn Vue.js by building a real-world application from scratch with Alex Kyriakidis, Vue.js core-team member and author of the bestselling book The Majesty of Vue.js
What does the 'h' stand for in Vue's render method?
Have you wondered what does the "h" stands for in a Vue render function? Sarah Drasner explains. Hint: it’s because of Hyperscript.
Speed Up Development With Prototyping and Vue
In this article PJ Trainor explains how he approaches prototyping a new app in Vue. He also introduces the term "minimum viable solution" as an approach to keep the prototypes as simple as possible.
Loading Vuex Modules Dynamically
You probably already know that you can asynchronously load components based on the routes. What you might not have known is that you can do the same with Vuex modules. Read this article by Alex Jover Morales to learn how to do that.
How to monitor error in production with Nuxt.js
Monitoring for events is very important, especially if it’s a server-side rendered application where an error might cause your whole application to break and prevent other users from using it. Here’s a short tutorial that will show you how to use BugSnag to register possible errors in your Nuxt application.
Pagination With Vuejs
Here’s a pretty nice tutorial on how to paginate results in your Vue application.
Remaining character count in Vue.js
Check out this short tutorial that explains how to create an input with a counter of remaining characters.
Keynote – Present with Vue.js
Keynote (vue-keynote) is a presentation library which enables you to declaratively create your slides using Vue.
GitHub - basys/basys
Toolbox for building full-stack Vue.js apps
GitHub - EvodiaAut/vue-cookieconsent-component
A notification component that asks for consent for the usage of cookies
GitHub - kb10uy/vue-bubbler
A Vue plugin that enables bubbling of custom events