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98Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Vue Contributor Days Stream; Interview with Evan You, Vue.js London is coming!


If you watched the recent Vue Contributor Day stream you might have already learnt that our webpage has become a PWA. This means you can install it on your devices that support it. Not just that, you can subscribe to push notifications to get even more updates. We're also working on improving the RSS feed, which you can subscribe to by clicking here.

Also, Vue.js London is happening! For now, you can follow them on Twitter @vue_london or subscribe to their email list. Expect more information in around 2-3 weeks.

Wow – we got soo many submissions this week through our submit form that we had to split them in two! If your story can’t be found in this issue, no worries – it should appear next week.

— Damian Dulisz


Vue Contributor Day Video

If you missed the live event you can now watch the recording on YouTube! The event includes updates about upcoming changes for Vue core as well as the state of several popular libraries for Vue and learning services.

Interview: What's New in Vue.js with Evan You

Another great chance to have a sneak peek of the upcoming changes to Vue. Make sure to check it out!

Vue People – Interactive map of Vue developers worldwide

Here’s a very fun project that lists Vue developers (and their GitHub and Twitter profiles) based on location on the world map. Check it out, add yourself if you want!

Learn real-world Vue.js with The Vue.js Master Class

Learn real-world Vue.js with The Vue.js Master Class

Learn Vue.js by building a real-world application from scratch with Alex Kyriakidis, Vue.js core-team member and author of the bestselling book The Majesty of Vue.js

Replacing jQuery with Vue

Nilson takes a shot at convincing you that using Vue.js doesn’t have to be a headache, as similar to jQuery, Vue can be used without any build steps. To prove this, Nilson first writes some jQuery code and later rewrites it in Vue, showcasing how Vue code is easier to maintain and work on.

An Instagram gallery with Vue.js and CSS Grid

Here’s a nice tutorial that will teach you how to build an Instagram-like gallery. What’s great about it is that it also utilizes CSS Grid. It also includes some nice tricks for handling conditional content using the <template> element.

Quick and easy VuePress website thanks to GitLab Pages

GitLab allows for creating and hosting static pages that can be built using any kind of static page generator. This includes VuePress! Here’s a quick example on how to configure it.

Testing Vue Components with Mocha and webpack

If you’re looking for an introduction to testing look no further. Here we have a tutorial on how to set up and write your first tests using vue-test-utils, Mocha and webpack.

Weex vs React Native from scratch

It seems Weex is getting more traction since the documentation got updated and looks rather complete. In this article, Apurav compares his experiences of using Weex and React Native while trying to build a simple payment application.

How to set up a Cordova App using Vue.js

Apache Cordova is an open-source solution that lets you build mobile apps using web technologies. Simply said, it works as a wrapper around a web app with an added support for native elements like the camera module. Check out this article if you would like to learn how to set up a Cordova based application when using Vue.

Build A View-Framework-Free Data Layer Based on MobX — Integration With Vue

In this article, you can learn how to use mobx-vue, a bridge between Vue and MobX. This might seem rather controversial since Vue already has a reactive data-layer that MobX is providing, however, the author has some reasoning behind that choice, namely the fact that it might be easier to migrate the view-layer later on from Vue to something else, while keeping the app logic inside a view-agnostic data-layer that is MobX.


GitHub - f/vue-wait


Multiple Process Loader Management for Vue and (optionally) Vuex.

GitHub - AlbertLucianto/vuex-search


Vuex Search is a plugin for searching collections of objects. Search algorithms powered by js-worker-search.

proppy-vue | Docs


Functional props composition for components (with Vue support)