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100Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Vue.js London Tickets and Date! Build your own reactivity system with Proxies and more!

In case you haven’t noticed, this is the 100th issue! 🎉

It means we’re doing this for around 700 days now! And since last week, we passed the 10,000 subscribers mark! It has been an awesome journey so far and I’m extremely grateful to everyone involved in making the Official Vue News what it is now. This includes Evan You (for creating Vue), Krzysztof Jung (for starting it with me), Monterail (for the constant financial support), Gregg Pollack and Adam Jahr from Vue Mastery (for bringing it to the next level) and all the other people that helped along the way! This wouldn’t be possible without your help.

I really hope we can do this for the next 700 days. 💚

Until then, enjoy this week's stories!

Btw, you can now get tickets for Vue.js London conference!

— Damian Dulisz


Vue.js London: Tickets on sale – 20–21 September, 2018

Great news for those that have been waiting for the next European Vue Conference. Vue.js London will be happening on September 20-21! You can grab the early bird tickets at the new website!

Working with VuePress v0.10 and Tailwind CSS v0.6

Here’s a neat tutorial on how to configure VuePress with Tailwind CSS that allows you to build on top of the default theme. It also includes a short guide on how to prepare it for deployment.

Updating UIs: Value comparison VS mutation tracking

A nice article explaining two different strategies for handling UI updates. One is based on comparing current and new prop values inside a hook like shouldComponentUpdate and the other is what Vue uses – mutation tracking. In this example, the mutation tracking is implemented using Proxies. Btw. the next version of Vue will also include a proxy-based mutation tracking.

Evan You on Proxies - Advanced Components

Speaking of Proxies – Gregg Pollack together with Evan You have published a new lesson on Vue Mastery where they build a simple reactivity engine based on proxies.

Data Management with SQLite and Vuex in a NativeScript-Vue App

If you’re building a mobile application using NativeScript and Vue, you might want to learn how to connect Vuex with the local SQLite database.

Free Course: API Driven Development With Laravel and VueJS

Jay Rogers has published his free Laravel + Vue course! In it, you will be building an application called Roast, where coffee enthusiast can find their next cup of coffee based on a set factors such as location, brew method, roaster, etc.

Things that won’t work using Vue

A great list of common gotchas when working with Vue and how to work around them.

Why I have chosen Quasar-Framework

In this article, Arthur Faria shares his experiences of trying several different solutions for building a mobile application. In the end, he decided to pick Quasar – a framework on top of Vue for building hybrid applications (as well as web and electron-based apps).

How To Build Vue Components That Play Nice

The 6 key concepts you need to know to create reusable Vue components that play nicely with the rest of the Vue ecosystem.

How to build a real-time editable data table in Vue.js

Editable data-tables are quite common, especially in the business-to-business type of services. Here’s an article that explains how to build one using Vuetify and Hamoni Sync – a service that keeps your data synchronized between the client and the cloud.

Coloring your app: Implementing Live Theming with Vue.js and Styled-Components

There are several ways to implement theming in your application. The most obvious solution would be to use CSS variables, however, those are not supported in older browsers. In this article, Dalila Avdukic shows how to implement live theming by using vue-styled-components that will work across all browsers.

Server Side Hydration — SSR with Vue and webpack from scratch (3/3)

Lachlan Miller has recently finished his series about setting up server-side rendering with Vue from scratch. In this part, he explains how to configure webpack to produce two bundles – one for the client and one for the server as well as how to efficiently fetch data on both sides.


GitHub - carabins/avuef


Store state managment plugin for Vue and Nuxt based on FSM (Finite State Machine)

GitHub - christianalfoni/proxy-state-tree


An implementation of the Mobx/Vue state tracking approach, for library authors