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101Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Vue.js Roadtrip Paris slides, Vue-Storefront release 1.0 is here and more!

A great week for the Vue ecosystem! Vue-Storefront, the largest eCommerce-related Vue open-source project I know about, has hit the 1.0 version. This means it is now officially stable and production ready. That’s great to hear since I personally believe that having a PWA-based front app might be the next big thing for online stores.

Also, Ilkwon Sim has released a repo that includes a dozen useful Vue-patterns and tricks that can be used when you just need that quick look at the reference of things like scoped slots syntax.

As you might know, Vue.js Roadtrip Paris happened last week and we got 4 presentations for you to check out!

— Damian Dulisz


Vue-Patterns: Useful Vue patterns, techniques, tips and tricks and helpful curated links

A list of frequently used patterns and tips for every Vue developer out there. If you need a place to quickly remind yourself of how to use a particular part of the API, this might be a good place to look.

Vue Storefront 1.0

Vue Storefront is an open-source front-end app for your eCommerce projects. It’s a PWA that can be connected to different backend services like Magento, Prestashop, and others through an API. And just now it has reached the 1.0 version. This means that the API can be considered stable making it officially production ready.

🔮 Dynamic Component Templates with Vue.js

In this article Philipp Kühn goes through multiple ways to dynamically render different components, starting from the naive approach though using component-is API and ending with asynchronously loading components thanks to webpack’s dynamic imports.

Add i18n and manage translations of a Vue.js powered website

Sometimes your apps might need to be available in multiple languages. This is often called internationalization (i18n for short). In this article, you will learn how to set up translations based on the current route using VueI18n and vue-router.

Managing State in Vue.js

Here’s a really great article explaining the many ways to manage application state in a Vue. It explains why you might want to consider using global state instead of always relying on props and how to do just that by using a simple store object, an event bus and finally Vuex. Remember, you might not always need to use Vuex.

Building a PDF Viewer with Vue (Part 1)

A rather advanced, although very interesting article about building a Vue canvas-powered PDF viewer on top PDF.js.

Rental cars, Destiny’s Child and error handling with Vue.js

Error handling is a topic that’s not really all that popular even though it’s extremely important. Maybe that’s because we – as developers – like to believe that our code just works? Sadly that’s not always the case and here Lars Eidnes explains how to handle JavaScript errors in your Vue apps by using error boundaries – a Vue feature introduced not so long ago. It allows you to create components that can catch all errors inside child components and more.

Make HTTP Requests to Remote Web Services in a NativeScript-Vue App

NativeScript offers a HTTP module for doing requests inside your NativeScript-Vue apps. Here’s a quick overview on how to use it.

Understanding JSX Compilation in Vue

A nice article that explains all the steps needed to compile your JSX code into render functions.


GitHub - Zulko/eagle.js


A hackable slideshow framework built with Vue.js

GitHub - twcapps/vue-spatialnavigation


Vue directive (Vue.js 2.x) for spatial navigation (keyboard navigation)