107Wednesday, August 15, 2018Vue CLI 3 is here! First Vue.js Sprint Summary; Vetur Roadmap and more
finally – the Vue CLI 3.0 has been released! If you still haven’t had the chance to try it – it’s about time you do.
Also, as promised – here’s the summary from the Vue.js sprint. There are also two recordings from the Vue.js Core Team Summit. The talk from Guillaume Chau doing an introduction to Vue CLI 3.0 (and its UI). The second talk involved a twist – Chris Fritz behaved like a teacher and invited the rest of the core team on stage to ask them questions.
— Damian Dulisz
The First Vue.js Sprint — Summary
Read the summary of everything that happened during the very first Vue.js Sprint in Wrocław, Poland.
Introduction to Vue CLI 3 and its UI - Vue.js Core Team Summit #1
Presentation by Guillaume Chau about Vue CLI 3 from the recent Vue.js Core Team Summit

Vue CLI 3.0 is here! – The Vue Point
Over the past few months, we’ve been working really hard on the next generation of Vue CLI, the standard build toolchain for Vue applications. Today we are thrilled to announce the release of Vue CLI…

VueConf TO 2018 - Vue.js Conference Toronto | 14-16 November, 2018
Be part of the great Vue community and learn more from the experts at VueConfTO from 14-16 Nov 2018 at Fairmont Royal York, Toronto. 24 talks, 7 workshops, 3 days and awesome Vuers. Find out more:
Vetur 1.0 Roadmap
Vetur is already a core tool for every Vue developer that is using Visual Studio Code. Just from looking at the roadmap, I feel it’s about to get even better!
Brief Summary of the Vue.js Core Team Sprint and Their Visit at Monterail
A great writeup by Karolina about the Vue team visit in Monterail during the Vue sprint. The summary also includes several very insightful quotes from some of the core team members.
Spelunking into the Vue.js Frontend JavaScript Framework
On this episode, we talk with special guest Adam Wathan about the Vue.js JavaScript framework. We talk about what Vue.js is, and how its Laissez-faire approach lets you pick and choose how much of it makes sense to use in a project.
Vuex - the enterprise setup
Have been using the great vue-enterprise-boilerplate by Chris Fritz? If yes you might have noticed that Vuex modules are automatically registered whenever you create a new module file. However, those require for the state, actions, mutations and getters to be in one file. If you would like to split those into separate files, you might want to read this short article by Thomas Findlay that explains how to do just that.
How to run Nuxt.js on DigitalOcean?
An easy tutorial on how to setup and deploy a Nuxt.js app on DigitalOcean.
How to use PWA plugin in Vue CLI 3.0
Now that Vue CLI 3.0 is officially released, it’s time to learn about one very useful plugin – the PWA plugin. You can install it by simply running vue add @vue/pwa. For the rest of the configuration that’s needed, read this tutorial by Tomasz Żdanuk.
Structuring Vue Components
Components are the bread and butter of most modern front-end frameworks, not just Vue. However, once you create lots of them, they tend to get out of hand without a proper file structure. In this article Alex Jover Morales presents some good practices to apply to your component files structure as your app grows bigger and bigger.
Updating to Quasar 0.17.x with Firebase Authentication
WIth the recent Quasar 0.17.x series of releases (that introduced support for SSR out of the box) will also affect the use of Firebase Auth. That’s because the boot.js plugin is soon to be deprecated. If you happen to use Quasar – here’s a guide on how to migrate your auth to the new version.
An automatic storage plugin for Vue2, persist the data with localStorage.
Vue.JS boilerplate with Typescript and JSX