122Wednesday, December 5, 2018Vue v2.5.18-beta.0, State of Vue.js Survey, VueConf Toronto Talks, & More
The Official Vue News Podcast (the audio version of this newsletter) has been getting funnier and funnier as Adam and I get more relaxed in front of the microphones. So, if you have a few minutes on your commute to work, mowing the lawn, or washing your cat, maybe give it a listen using the links below.
Thanks for reading & listening!
— Gregg Pollack
State of Vue.js 2019 survey
Monterail is currently collecting responses for the 2019 State of Vue.js survey, and you can participate today by filling it out online.
7 VueConf Toronto Talks Now Live to Watch
Visualizations using SVG, Canvas, and WebGL in Vue by Chris Fritz Vue and Vuex: The good, the bad and the ugly by Filipa Lacerda Light, lazy asynchronous patterns for Vue Apps by Eduardo San Martin Morote Nuxt.js 2 by Sebastien Chopin Augmenting Shopify with Vue.js by Trudy MacNabb A Token Walks Into a SPA by Ignacio Anaya A Vue from Ionic by Josh Thomas

Vue.JS Components for building Search UIs – All things
This is a components library for Elasticsearch, the popular backend search tool for scaffolding production-ready data-driven search user interfaces.
Structuring a Vue project — Authentication
Properly implementing authentication in a Vue app requires knowledge of a bunch of concepts, from using Routing guards, meta tags, login tokens, API authorization, and more. Boris walks you through a simple example from scratch.
Best Code Editor for Vue.js – Vue Mastery
With a growing number of quality code editors to choose from, you might be wondering what’s the best code editor for Vue.js. This week Adam Jahr published a brief blog post with his thoughts and how to get started with it.
My Favorite Vue.js & Nuxt.js packages for 2019
Last week Nada Rifki posted a list of her favorite Vue and Nuxt libraries. There were a bunch of useful ones that I hadn’t heard of.
Turn your Vue Web App into a PWA! – Bits and Pieces
Progressive Web Applications (PWA) are web apps that can be run smoothly on mobile devices. This tutorial shows how to convert your Vue.js Web application into a PWA.

Vue 2 + Firebase: How to add Firebase Social Sign In into your Vue application
In this tutorial, we will see how to quickly add the Firebase Social Sign In feature into your Vue application. I previously wrote a tutorial on how to build a Vue app with Firebase authentication…