129Tuesday, February 5, 2019Vue’s 5th aniversary! 🎆 Vue v2.6 "Macross" released! 🎉 Official Vue-CLI plugin guide and more
What a week! 🎉
The 3rd of February was the 5th anniversary of Vue! Then the day after, on the 4th – Vue v2.6 was officialy released with tons of new features. And today we are celebrating the first day of the Year of the Pig according to the traditional Chinese calendar.
Given that Vue was first released in 2014, it means Vue’s Chinese zodiac sign is a Horse! And you know what – I’m also a horse. Coincidence? I don’t think so! 🙃
Happy new year!
— Damian Dulisz

Vue 2.6 released!
Two days ago, we celebrated the 5th Vueniversary! Now I’m happy to let you know that since yesterday, the 2.6 version (codename “Macross”) of Vue is officially released! 🎉 There are just so many improvements available in the new release that it’s quite hard to sum it all up here, so consider this article a must read.
Plugin Development Guide | Vue CLI 3
Have you thought about writing a Vue-CLI plugin but wasn’t sure how to do it? No worries, Natalia Tepluhina from the Vue Vixens has written the one and only guide you will ever need. And it’s now a part of the official Vue-CLI documentation. Check it out.
7 Problems you can avoid by using Nuxt.js for your next Vue app
Here’s a pretty nice article written by Gregg Pollack that goes through some of the less obvious reasons you might want to use Nuxt.js for your application. Even if you don’t need the server-side rendering.
#4: New v-slot directive in Vue.js 2.6.0
Vue 2.6 ships with an additional syntax for using slots (compatibile with the upcoming 3.0 release). Now instead of using both slot and slot-scope, you can use the unified v-slot directive. It also comes with a handy shortcut in the form of a #. For example: v-slot:rejected=“status”
is the same as #rejected=“status”
, which in turn is the equivalent of slot=“rejected” slot-scope=“status”
using the old syntax.
Vue.js App Performance Optimization: part 1 — Introduction to performance optimization and lazy loading.
Filip Rakowski from the Vue-Storefront team has started a series of articles focused on Vue application performance where he shares some of the experience coming from building probably the biggest open-source e-commerce Vue project there is.
What Does Vue 3.0 Mean for Web Development?
Here’s an awesome summary with plenty of explanation of what we can expect from the upcoming Vue 3.0 release. Great writing by Matt Maribojo!
Productivity in Vue — Part 2
Vue-CLI 3.0 has improved the overall developer experience by a lot – at least in my opinion. This is mostly due to the plugin architecture that allows you to easily bootstrap an application. But did you know that you can create new presets to be used later? Read this article by the creator of Vuetify to learn how to do that and more.
Vuethereum: The Vue library Ethereum deserves
Blockchain is surely one of the hottest buzzwords for a while now and more and more developers opt to build decentralized applications. For that they can use the Ethereum platform, but as will all rising platforms, the start is always the hardest. The Matryx Team has created a set of components under the name Vuethereum that aims at making it all easier. Check it out.
GitHub - sue71/vuex-typescript-fsa
The helper which makes vuex more type-safety
GitHub - alexjoverm/v-lazy-image
Lazy load images using Intersection Observer, apply progressive rendering and css animations.