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136Monday, April 1, 2019
Vue.js Devtools 5.0 are here! 2 new Vue.js RFCs; Multiple Vue.js Amsterdam talks published; Slides from VueConf.us and more!


what an amazing week! Just got back home from VueConf.us. It was such a great conference. Interesting presentations, amazing people and so much fun in general. 🦄💃

As for news: The new 5.0 version of Vue.js Devtools has been released! It comes with 2 new tabs – routing and performance, which allows you to measure your application for potential bottlenecks. It also ships with dark mode support 🌒.

Also, there are 2 RFCs to Vue:

One is the advanced reactivity API, which I’m extremely excited about. It should allow you to create observable objects, watchers and computed properties, without actually creating a new Vue instance. This might prove extremely useful, especially for library authors. I imagine Vuelidate could benefit from it a lot.

The 2nd RFC is about dynamic lifecycle hooks injection. This should make it possible for you to conditionally add or remove lifecycle hooks within your component’s code.

Oh, and 12 talks from Vue.js Amsterdam are already available. Check them out!


Damian Dulisz


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Whoops! We couldn't access this Tweet.

Vue Meta has a new website!

Metadata manager for Vue.js has a new pretty documentation.

VueConf.us Slides

State of the Vuenation by Evan You Dynamic CSS with Vue by Miriam E Suzanne Vue 3: What I’m Most Excited About by Chris Fritz Advanced Animations with Vue.js by Krystal Campioni 9 performance secrets revealed by Guillaume Chau Web Accessibility With Vue.js by Maria Lamardo Demystifying - The Dark Art of SFC Compilation by Rahul Kadyan Desktop applications with Vue by Natalia Tepluhina Zen and the Art of Vue by Jen Looper Phenominal Design Patterns with VueJS by Jacob Schatz

Vue.js Amsterdam 2019 Talks Playlist

12 talks from Vue.js Amsterdam are already available. Check them out!

CodeTalks - The best code talks around the world

CodeTalks now has a Vue category. If you’re looking for more awesome talks to watch, make sure to take a look here.

How to Unlock the Full Potential of Prop Types in Vue

If you declare your props as a list of strings (don’t do it), you’re missing out on a lot of functionality. In this great article, Michael Thiessen explains what you can do to improve your components by setting up rules and validations for your props. A must read.

Free Nuxt.js Tutorial — Creating an App

There’s a free lesson from the Vue Mastery’s Nuxt course, where they are teaching how to build an event management application. If you don’t feel like reading, there’s also a video version of it!

How to Reduce Your Vue.JS Bundle Size With Webpack

Most articles that speak about reducing the bundle size, usually focus on lazy loading your components. Which of course is a great technique and should be done. However, there’s more to it and in this article, Jennifer Bland showcases how you can analyze what’s in your bundle and how to cut it down by a lot.

Renaming src Folder of a Vue CLI 3 Project

Vue-CLI 3 ships with plenty of goods that help you start with your project. However, when you try to add it to an existing project, you might encounter some issues that are related to the CLI being a bit opinionated on how you structure your code. This article by Anthony Gore, shows how you can modify the setup to for example, rename the src catalog.

Accessing Vue global filters inside component methods

Here’s a short trick on how to access globally registered filters within any components methods. Might come in handy.

NativeScript-Vue with Class Components

Would you like to build your NativeScript apps with TypeScript but don’t know how to start? Check out this article, which covers all the steps required to have a fully working config.




Realtime bindings between Vue/Vuex and Firebase

GitHub - jlooper/mandala-me


🕉 Creating mandalas programmatically with NativeScript-Vue and a web app, with possibility to combine