167Friday, November 29, 2019State of JavaScript 2019 survey is here; Interview with Evan You on Vue 3.0; How to DDD in Vue and more...
Finally the conference season has ended for me (uff! 😅) and hopefully I can get back to sending the newsletter on the original schedule. Hope you don’t mind the recent delays.
This year’s State of JavaScript survey is open right now – let’s make sure Vue is properly represented in the results!
In the recent podcast episode of Full Stack Radio, Adam Wathan has interviewed Evan You on all the things Vue 3.0. Such a great episode – you can’t miss it!
Happy Thanksgiving weekend everyone! 🎉
The 2019 State of JavaScript Survey
As always around this time of the year, we have the State of JavaScript survey. It’s one of the most influential surveys out there for Frontend developers, often affecting the overall perception of different tools on the market.

Vue School - Black Friday
Master Vue.js + ecosystem, Nuxt, Unit Testing, Jest, and more with Vue School’s video courses at a massively discounted rate. Get 40% OFF on the yearly license or grab the BLACK FRIDAY Special 3 months access for just $39!
129: Evan You - What's Coming in Vue.js 3.0
In this episode, Adam talks to Evan You about all of the changes and improvements coming to Vue.js 3.0.
Vue 3 Reactivity Reimagined - Live Coding @ Vue.js London Meetup
Watch Jason Yu as he builds the Vue 3.0 reactivity from scratch, first starting with the getters/setters approach (used in Vue 2.x) and then moving to Proxies. Amazing video!
A domain-driven Vue.js Architecture
A very interesting article on a topic that is rarely touched – application architecture. More specifically the DDD (Domain Driven Development) approach. The author starts with folder structure and then going through how different layers of abstractions are combined to form features.
Building animated draggable interfaces with Vue.js and Tailwind
Here’s a nice tutorial on building a drag-n-drop list with some pretty neat animations. To build that, Cristi uses Vue-Draggable and TailwindCSS.
20 Nuxt Modules (with Tips) to Increase Your Productivity and Build Web Apps Faster
Nada Rifki has written down a list of her 20 favourite Nuxt.js modules that she recommends for most Nuxt users. Along with the list, there is a short description of what it does and a few tips along the way.
How to Load Third-Party Scripts in Nuxt.js
If you use Nuxt.js you might have stumbled upon this problem – how to add links to third-party scripts that you can’t install with NPM. For example some analytics solutions. Or what if you need to add those to certain routes only? Alex provides all the answers in this article.
#29 Use old instance properties in Composition API in Vue.js 3
Learn how to use this.$emit, this.$attrs and more in the new Composition API, where you have no this (component instance) in your Vue.js Components.
Vuex Data Model and Feature Module Strategy Part 1: The Data Model Module
Looking for a way to reduce some Vuex boilerplate for repeatable functionalities? Standardize how you manage data in your app? Markus has some pretty nice ideas on that and more! Check it out.
GitHub - cyon/vuex-pagination
Use paginated resources in your Vue/Vuex app with ease
Vue.js český manuál a návody
A Czech collection of docs for learning Vue.