184Wednesday, July 22, 2020Vue.js 3.0 Release Candidate is here! 3.0 Docs in beta; Vue-Devtools beta for Vue 3.0 available and more!
👋 Hi there,
great news! We are now closer than ever to the official Vue 3.0 release. The first Release Candidate marks the RC stage of the project which will be followed by a stable stage. You can read the whole announcement here.
Additionally the Official Vue.js 3.0 Docs has been released (beta version)! Huge shout-out to the docs team: @NataliaTepluhina, @bencodezen, @phanan and @sdras! 🙌
This is likely a good moment to start reading the Migration Guide so you can start planning the migration. Don’t worry, if your project is relatively small and you have been following the RFCs, and avoiding to-be-deprecated functionalities, this process should be pretty quick!
Happy coding!
Vue 3 is now in Release Candidate stage!
We are very excited to announce that Vue 3.0 is now in the RC (Release Candidate) stage!
Entering the RC stage means that both the API and implementation of Vue 3 core have stabilized. In principle, we do not expect to introduce new major features or breaking changes before the final release. Most official framework parts also now have v3 support. Please check here for the latest status.
Vue.js 3.0 Docs: Beta Version
The new docs have been released! Get yourself ready for the Vue version. And if you are an early adopter of Vue 3.0 beta, your struggles (no-docs) have come to an end!
Migration Guide - Vue.js Docs: Beta Version
The RC-stage is the perfect opportunity to make oneself familiar with the migration process from Vue 2.x to 3.0 so that you can start planning on upgrading your apps.
Release v6.0.0-beta.1 · vuejs/vue-devtools
The new v6.0.0-beta.1 release of the Vue-Devtools introduce the support for Vue v3.0.0-rc.1. You can get the Chrome extennsion here.
For Firefox version and standalone Electron build, visit the release page.

PrimeVue 2.0.0 is released with 60+ Open Source UI Components
PrimeTek is thrilled to announce the 2.0.0 release of PrimeVue featuring 60+ UI components, a design agnostic theming api with Bootstrap, Material and custom themes, the new PrimeFlex CSS utility, modern icons via PrimeIcons v4, all-new demos and showcase.
Take a tour around the PrimeVue Live Showcase to take the library for a test run.
PrimeVue is a free library to use under MIT License and available at NPM. Enjoy!
World Vue Summit
World Vue is meetup initiative that connects multiple Vue meetup scenes across the world. This World Vue Summit event recording features speakers from: Vue Beijing, Vue Egypt, Vuejs Pune, VueJS Slovakia, VueNYC!
Quasar.Conf 2020
A video recording of the first conference for Quasar Framework. 7 Quasar focused talks by amazing speakers and Quasar core team members!
Understanding Slots
Slots are one of the most powerful concepts in Vue.js — but also one of the most confusing. In this video taken from my upcoming course, I take a different approach to explaining and showing how slots work.
You Might Not Need Vuex with Vue 3
By using the reactivity system and the dependency injection mechanism of Vue 3, we've gone from a local state to centralized state management that can replace Vuex in smaller applications.
How to test your library for Vue 2.x and Vue 3.0
Now might be a good moment to think about updating your unit tests setup (based on Jest) so that it could run against both Vue 3.0 and Vue 2.x. This article explains how to do that.
Be prepared to migrate your Vue app to Vue 3
In this post, I would like to share my recent experience of trying out Vue 3 beta version, specifically regarding some caveats you might want to note if you are planning to migrate your existing Vue 2 application to the upgraded version, Vue 3!
Build file-based theme inheritance module in Nuxt
Learn how to build a theme inheritance module in Nuxt.js. A perfect module for when you want to change parts of your codebase for special campaigns such as Black Friday or the holidays sales.
How a DevTools Extension is Made
This is a guide through the main parts of the official Vue DevTools extension to learn from it and understand a successful approach for building these kinds of tools.
UI components for Vue.js and CSS framework agnostic
UI components for Vue.js and CSS framework agnostic
VueJS + TailwindCSS = A match made in heaven
Fully responsive and beautiful HTML components made with VueJS and TailwindCSS.
GitHub - antfu/reactivue
🙊 Use React components with Vue Composition API.
GitHub - nkoehring/vue3-typescript-app-starter
A pretty functional app starter for Vue3 and Typescript.
GitHub - blacksonic/awesome-vue-3
A curated list of awesome things related to Vue 3