185Saturday, August 22, 2020Vue-CLI v4.5.0 ships with built-in Vue 3.0 support; Nuxt v2.14 released; VueConf Toronto announced!
Hello Vuers,
with the newly released Vue-CLI v4.5.x, the CLI supports Vue 3.0 projects out of the box, without the need for the vue-cli-plugin-vue-next plugin. The author of the release – Haoqun Jiang – has started his GitHub Sponsors page. If you depend on Vue-CLI and other tooling that he’s building, consider sponsoring him!
Nuxt.js v2.14 has been released! It comes with multiple improvements to the static sites generation process. You can read about it more in this in-depth article. Thanks to smart usage of cache among other things „The static site generation of our projects on content changes are now ~3.6x times faster 🚀” – the authors say.
🍁 Also, the VueConf Toronto conference is back and you are all invited!
It’s an online conference and completely FREE! Register here and mark your calendars on November 4-6, 2020!
The call for papers is also open till September 30, 2020.
Sponsor @sodatea on GitHub Sponsors · GitHub
Haoqun Jiang is a member of the Vue.js core team and is working full-time for the Vue.js organization focusing on build tools, such as Vue CLI, Vue Loader for webpack and the Vue JSX plugin. You can now sponsor his work on GitHub!
Release v1.5.0 · nuxt/content · GitHub
Write in a content/ directory and fetch your Markdown, JSON, YAML and CSV files through a MongoDB like API, acting as a Git-based Headless CMS - nuxt/content
Release v3.0.0 · nuxt-community/pwa-module · GitHub
Zero config PWA solution for Nuxt.js now with Workbox 5.x support.

VueConf Toronto | 4-6 November 2020 - Online Conference
VueConf Toronto is back this year as an online-only event. It’s also completely FREE!
The CFP is still open, so you can submit your talks here.
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Build better higher-order components with Vue 3
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Writing a vite plugin
With Vue 3 recently reaching release candidate stage, it’s a great time to dive in and give it a try. To get started right now you’ll need to use vite, the new web dev build tool from the creators of Vue. Vite offers a new plugin system for extending vite’s capabilities. Today we’ll take a look at setting up a simple vite plugin.
Code Coverage for Vue Applications
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Mastering Browser Cache
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VeeValidate v4 Alpha Docs
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GitHub - paroi-tech/direct-vuex
Use and implement your Vuex store with TypeScript types. Compatible with the Vue 3 composition API.
GitHub - jfet97/vue-use-infinite-scroll
A Vue composition function that makes infinite scroll a breeze.
GitHub - ImpactBox/vite-plugin-auto-routes
Vite plugin to generate routes from a pages directory