187Sunday, December 13, 2020The Vue.js Newsletter is back! 🎉
Hey there,
it’s been a while... Did you miss the newsletter? I hope you did actually! I’m sorry for the unexpected break. And trust me, getting myself to send this issue, was harder with every week that passed. 2020 has been pretty rough for all of us... I hope you’re all doing OK and let’s hope 2021 will be better.
That’s why I’m happy to announce I’m now planning to continue sending out the newsletter on a bi-weekly basis! 🎉
I would like to thank all my sponsors (especially Storyblok and Vue Mastery!) for keeping up with me despite the newsletter-related inactivity. I’d also want to welcome a new sponsor – Vue.js Amsterdam. Thank you all for your trust and support! 💚
As for the news! Vue-Router just hit the v4.0 stable release! 🎉
Additionally, as every year, Monterail is working on the State of Vue.js survey and needs your contribution! The State of JS survey is also open so let’s make sure the world knows about Vue.js and how awesome it is!
Thanks for reading! So glad to be back!
P.S. The newsletter was supposed to ship last week but then this little guy happened. 🍱🐕

State of Vue.js 2021 – The Survey
Just like last year, the tradition continues. Monterail is preparing the new State of Vue.js report and they need your input.
Vue Router v4 is officially stable!
Vue Router 4 is officially stable!
Vetur v0.31 released
The new version of Vetur now comes with support for monorepos and globally registered components among other things!

Vuejs Amsterdam 24 hour Online Conference
Vuejs Amsterdam is offering Vue Newsletter subscribers the chance to win 1 of 20 Full Experience Tickets. Simply register for FREE to Vuejs Amsterdam 2021 before Friday 18th Dec 17:00 and type "Vue Newsletter" in the community field for a chance to win.
The State of Nuxt (November Edition)
Sébastien Chopin, creator of Nuxt.js explaining the current state of Nuxt 2 and the roadmap for Nuxt 3 and what to expect.
State of JavaScript 2020
Another popular survey in the JavaScript world. Vue has been on a rise for a few years – will be true this year? Let’s fill in the the survey and find out!
Group, Extract, Share: Working with the Vue Composition API
The Vue 3 Composition API enables us to extract and share stateful logic between components. In this article, we learn how to extract and share logic to build flexible components with the Vue 3 Composition API.
Creating a Nuxt Module
Modules are functions that are called sequentially when booting Nuxt. The framework waits for each module to finish before continuing. In this way, modules can customize almost any aspect of your project. Let's create a module that uses ngrok to get a Public URL that you can share while working in Development.
From Vue to Nuxt: Server-side rendering in a nutshell
Server-side rendering has been here for a while now and thanks to frameworks like Nuxt.js, making use of it is easier than ever. But do you fully understand how SSR works underneath? Here’s an article that can help with that!
Language Aware Nuxt.js Routing
Looking for a solid way to combine i18n and language-based routing in Nuxt.js? Make sure to read this article as it covers several ways to make that integration as seamless as possible.
Non-reactive Objects in Vue Composition API
Exploring scenarios where you don't actually need Vue's reactivity, and why you should use the composition API to opt in when needed.
Renderless Dialogs (Alert, Confirm, and Prompt) in Vue
Make a flexible, customizable, potentially pretty, and functional replacement for alert()
, prompt()
, and confirm()
in Vue.
Automatic Dependency Injection in Vue with Context Providers
Learn how to implement Automatic Dependency Injection in Vue.js with the Context Provider Pattern.
Automatically import SASS/SCSS into every Vue.js component
Have you ever wanted to import SCSS files into every Vue.js component automatically? This article will show you how to do so with Vue CLI 4, 3, and 2. Keep in mind though, that you should only do that for Sass shared functions, variables and mixins, otherwise you would end up with lots of duplicated code.
GitHub - znck/vue-developer-experience
A set of tools for better developer Vue experience.
GitHub - privatenumber/vue-2-3
↔️ Interop Vue 2 components in Vue 3 apps and vice versa
FormVueLate 2.x
FormVueLate is a zero dependency library that allows you to generate schema-driven forms with extreme ease.
Vue NodeGui
Build performant, native and cross-platform desktop applications with Vue 🚀
Villus – GraphQL client for Vue.js
Villus is a minimal GraphQL client for Vue.js, exposing components to build highly customizable GraphQL projects. You can use this in small projects or large complex applications.