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188Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Enjoy the Vuelidays! And a happy new year! 🎉

Hey everyone,

hope you had a great time during the holiday season! 🌲 I know I had! 🥟 🐕

Let’s start with some great news. Guillaume Chau has published a new beta release of the Vue.js Devtools v6. It ships with multiple new features and enhancements.

Just yesterday, Rahul Kadyan has published a new VS Code extension called VueDX to further improve the developer experience when working with Vue, including TypeScript dedicated features. This is a part of a bigger project called Vue Developer Experience (VueDX for short).

Finally, 2020 is coming to an end. I wish you all an awesome 2021! 🥳


Damian Dulisz

P.S. For those curious of how Bento is doing, here’s a little update! 🐶


Vue.js Devtools v.6.0.0-beta.3 Changelog

A holidays gift from Guillaume Chau – the Vue.js Devtools have just hit the v.6.0.0-beta.3 release! Make sure to read the changelog as the new version comes with numerous new features and improvements to existing features like the timeline and event grouping.

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Whoops! We couldn't access this Tweet.

Enjoy the Vue #45: Using Code as a Tool for Creative Expression with Pine Wu

Check out the new Enjoy the Vue podcast episode with Pine Wu, the author of the popular VS Code extensions called Vetur.

Where will Vue go in 2021?

The world of Vue: what we're grateful for in 2020 and excited about for 2021.

Type-safe Vue.js Injections

This is a short article on what you can do with provide/inject TypeScript support in Vue 3 and @vue/composition-api library for Vue 2.

Building Vue.js Applications Without webpack

Are you sometimes fed up with installing hundreds of megabytes of dependencies before you can get started building a Vue application? In this article, we learn how to build Vue applications without webpack or a complicated build toolchain.

How Does Vite Work - A Comparison to Webpack

Here’s a pretty interesting article on how Vite is different from webpack to help you better understand the way those two tools work.

Building a Vue Auto Component Importer - A Better Dev Experience

Another article by Harlan Wilton, where he dives into webpack loaders to explain how you can build a loader that will allows for automatic component resolution at compile time.

Evan You · The ReadME Project · GitHub

A while ago GitHub has started publishing community profiles of influential open-source contributors. Here’s the profile of Evan You, the author of Vue that goes into the story of Vue, how it started and how working on it looks like right now.


GitHub - antfu/vitesse


🏕 Opinionated Vite Starter Template

GitHub - posva/vue-router-mock


🧪 Easily mock routing interactions in your Vue apps

GitHub - Tahul/vue-use-sound


🔊🔊 A Vue Hook for playing sound effects. Demo [here](https://vue-use-sound.netlify.app/).

GitHub - AlbertBrand/vue-context-composition


Vue.js context composition makes sharing your composed state a breeze! It's the missing useContext hook from React, reimplemented for Vue.js 3.0.

GitHub - vectrejs/vectre


Most complete implementation of Spectre.css on Vue.js

GitHub - andrewcourtice/harlem


Simple, unopinionated, lightweight and extensible state management for Vue 3. Take a look at the [demo](https://harlemjs.com/demo/basic) to see it in action or play around with it in [CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/harlem-demo-lmffj).