191Saturday, March 6, 2021State of Vue 2021, Vite v2 released; Vuex 5 RFC; Vuetify for Vue 3 in alpha and more!
Welcome back!
Those last 3 weeks have been truly crazy! First of all, Evan’s State of Vuenion 2021 talk at Vue.js Amsterdam where he is covering the recent developments in the Vue ecosystem. How Vue is doing (like NASA using it to drive their mission control system), new releases, and future plans! The recording ends with the announcement and highlights from Monterail’s annual State of Vue report, which you can download here.
Vite – the frontend build tool everyone is crazy about has hit v2. It is a big milestone for the project as it is no longer limited to Vue only (though I would recommend using it for Vue projects starting now).
Next – Vuex 5. Wait, what? Five? Hasn’t version 4 been released just recently? Yes, it was, but it was a mostly backward-compatible port of Vuex 3 dedicated to Vue 3.0.
Version 5 on the other hand is a completely new state management library. Although it still keeps some ideas from the Vuex you know (and the name), it presents a new approach to state management. Why? The Vuex team has learned a lot from the limitations and pain-points of the current implementation and decided it is time to move forward with new ideas. Make sure to read the RFC and join the discussion.
That’s not all! Read the stories below for more news regarding i18n, Vuetify, Nuxt and the upcoming (free!) VueConf.us conference happening on April 14th!
Kind regards,
State of Vue.js 2021 Report
Monterail has released their new 2021 version of the State of Vue report, in collaboration with members of the Vue core team.
Announcing Vite 2.0
Vite (French word for "fast", pronounced /vit/) is a new kind of build tool for frontend web development. Think a pre-configured dev server + bundler combo, but leaner and faster. It leverages browser's native ES modules support and tools written in compile-to-native languages like esbuild to deliver a snappy and modern development experience.
Vuex 5 RFC: Read the proposed new architecture for Vuex 5 and join the discussion!
The Vuex team is now ready to present you their vision of the upcoming v5 of Vuex – the official Vue state management library. The first RFC covers the new architecture as well as differences compared to Vuex 3 & 4. Check it out and join the discussion!
Announcing Vue I18n 9.0
Vue I18n is the most popular internationalization library for Vue and it just hit version 9.0. It’s a complete rewrite with lots of new features!
The new major version of Vue I18n provides Layered modules, Hybrid APIs, Message Compiler, Pre-compilation, Vue Devtools integration, Bundle size optimization, and a solid foundation for long-term future iterations of this library.
Storybook for Vue 3
Storybook now supports Vue 3.0! Storybook is an open source tool for building UI components in isolation, while also serving as both documentation and can integrate with testing tools.
Conference Video Portal
🔥 Another amazing Vuejs Amsterdam with 31274 registrants from 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ countries and 20 speakers!
Buy access to all Conference Recordings of Vuejs Amsterdam and JSworld Conference at only €49.
Learn the latest on VueCLI 5, Vite, VueX 5, Nuxt 3, Vue i18n, and MORE 🥳

Vue - The Road To Enterprise
Become a Vue pro by mastering advanced patterns, best practices, and cutting-edge techniques for the development of blazing-fast Vue 2 & 3 applications. From Thomas Findlay, the 5-star rated mentor.
Building large projects with Vue, Vite and Lerna
A topic that isn’t often covered – application architecture / file structure of large Vue projects. In this post, Tomasz explores an app architecture based on Lerna (mono-repo) that highly favors using separate packages for different parts of the app. Super interesting approach, that I would love to see in action.
Oruga: the new kid on the block
In this article you'll learn how to use OrugaUI, a new lightweight library of UI components for VueJS without CSS framework dependency.
The Benefits of the New Vue 3 App Initialization Code
In this article, we'll compare the Vue 2 and Vue 3 app initialization code and reveal the drawbacks of the Vue 2 approach, as well as cover how Vue 3 solves those shortcomings.
Vue Enterprise Patterns - How to Build Components With Design System Variants And Share Variant Styles Using Variant Style Provider
Explore Vue Enterprise Pattern and take advantage of CSS variables and CSS modules to create Vue components with variants based on a design system and provide variant styles using the Variant Style Provider component.
GitHub - IndexXuan/vue-cli-plugin-vite
Use Vite Today, with Vue-CLI
A 3D library based on ThreeJS + VueJS 3 + ViteJS. Check out the Docs for some amazing demos!
🤹 Vue Composables putting your components in motion
GitHub - nuxt/vite
⚡ Vite Experience with Nuxt 2 🧪
GitHub - antfu/vitesse
🏕 Opinionated Vite Starter Template. There’s also a [Nuxt version](https://github.com/antfu/vitesse-nuxt).
GitHub - ConvertKit/convertkit-vue
Plug convertkit into your vue based websites